Profile PictureKimberly Andrews

Full Face Makeup Checklist in Order

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Welcome to your thorough guide for achieving a basic flawless full-face makeup look! Whether you're a seasoned makeup enthusiast or just beginning your journey into the world of cosmetics, this checklist is your roadmap to creating beautiful looks every time. This checklist has you covered with everything you need to perfect your makeup routine and unleash your inner beauty.

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Here's a basic summary of your Full-Face Makeup Checklist: 1. **Preparation**: Start with clean, moisturized skin. 2. **Primer**: Apply to smooth out skin texture and prolong makeup wear. 3. **Foundation**: Even out skin tone for a flawless base. 4. **Concealer**: Cover up blemishes, dark circles, and imperfections. 5. **Powder**: Set foundation and concealer for a matte finish. 6. **Bronzer/Contour**: Add dimension and warmth to the face. 7. **Blush**: Apply for a natural flush of color to the cheeks. 8. **Highlighter**: Enhance features with a luminous glow. 9. **Eyebrows**: Fill in and shape for defined brows. 10. **Eyeshadow Primer**: Prep lids for eyeshadow and improve longevity. 11. **Eyeshadow**: Apply shades to create desired eye look. 12. **Eyeliner**: Define eyes with pencil, gel, or liquid liner. 13. **Mascara**: Lengthen and volumize lashes for a dramatic effect. 14. **Lip Primer**: Prep lips for smoother lipstick application. 15. **Lip Liner**: Outline lips and prevent feathering of lipstick. 16. **Lipstick/Gloss**: Add color and finish to lips. With this checklist, you're ready to create stunning full-face makeup looks!

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Full Face Makeup Checklist in Order

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